आज मोहिं लागे वृन्दावन नीको
आज मोहिं लागे वृन्दावन नीको॥
1 Now Jehovah said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto the land that I will show thee:
‘”Janaka said, Thou hast, O foremost of Rishis, said that Unity is theattribute of that which is Akshara (Indestructible) and variety ormultiplicity is the attribute of what is known as Kshara (Destructible).
“हाँ देवी|” हरिश्चंद्र ने जैसे छाती पर पत्थर रखकर कहा, “लेकिन मै कर्तव्य से विवश हूं|श्मशान का कर तुम्हें चुकाना ही होगा|”
आसिफ शेख कपड़े का बहुत बड़ा व्यापारी था | उसने ढेरों दौलत जमा कर रखी थी | उसका व्यापार आस-पास के देशों में भी फैल चुका था | वह कभी-कभी उन देशों की यात्रा भी किया करता था | जब उसका बेटा जवान हो गया तो वह पिता के व्यापार में हाथ बंटाने लगा |
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Pandu, possessed of great energy, then devotedhimself to asceticism. Within a short time he became the favourite of thewhole body of the Siddhas and Charanas residing there.
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘O thou of great intelligence, tell me again wordssuch as these, consistent with religion and profit. My thirst for hearingthem is not quenched. What thou sayst is charming!”