Chapter 232
“Draupadi said, ‘I shall now indicate to thee, for attracting the heartof thy husbands a way that is free from deceit.
“Draupadi said, ‘I shall now indicate to thee, for attracting the heartof thy husbands a way that is free from deceit.
“Bhishma said, ‘In this connection is cited an old narrative of what wasrecited by king Vichakhy through compassion for all creatures.
“Janamejaya said, ‘O thou of the wealth of asceticism, tell me how ourancestor Yayati, who is the tenth from Prajapati, obtained for a wife theunobtainable daughter of Sukra. I desire to hear of it in detail. Tell mealso, one after another, of those monarchs separately who were thefounders of dynasties.’
Vaisampayana said, “After those Brahmanas and the illustrious sons ofPandu had taken their seats, Draupadi and Satyabhama entered thehermitage. And with hearts full of joy the two ladies laughed merrily andseated themselves at their ease.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Thou, O grandsire, art our highest preceptor in thematter of all acts that are difficult of accomplishment (in consequenceof the commands of superiors on the one hand and the cruelty that isinvolved in them on the other). I ask, how should one judge of an act inrespect of either one’s obligation to do it or of abstaining from it? Isit to be judged speedily or with delay?’
Sanjaya said, “Arjuna covered with his straight shafts the mightycar-warrior Salya who was struggling vigorously in battle.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘After the expiry of the period of his vow, Kacha,having obtained his preceptor’s leave, was about to return to the abodeof the celestials, when Devayani, addressing him, said, ‘O grandson ofthe Rishi Angiras, in conduct and birth, in learning, asceticism andhumility, thou shinest most brightly.
Markandeya continued, “When Skanda had bestowed these powers, Swahaappeared to him and said, ‘Thou art my natural son,–I desire that thoushalt grant exquisite happiness to me.”
“Yudhishthira said, ‘How, indeed, should the king protect his subjectswithout injuring anybody. I ask thee this, O grandsire, tell me, Oforemost of good men!’
Dhritarashtra said, “How, O Sanjaya, did Santanu’s son Bhishma of mightyenergy fight on the tenth day of battle, with the Pandavas and theSrinjayas? How also did the Kurus resist the Pandavas in battle? Describeto me the great battle fought by Bhishma, that ornament of battle.”