Chapter 153
“Bhima said, ‘I am the son of Pandu, and next by birth to Yudhishthirathe just, and my name is Bhimasena. O Rakshasas, I have come with mybrothers to the jujube named Visala.
“Bhima said, ‘I am the son of Pandu, and next by birth to Yudhishthirathe just, and my name is Bhimasena. O Rakshasas, I have come with mybrothers to the jujube named Visala.
Lomasa said, “O king! when the Nriga performed a sacrifice here, hegratified Indra, the demolisher of hostile cities, by offering the Somajuice. And Indra was refreshed and was very much pleased.
Vaisampayana said, “Having reached that spot, Bhimasena saw in thevicinity of the Kailasa cliff, that beautiful lotus lake surrounded bylovely woods, and guarded by the Rakshasas.
Satyaki said, “O Rama! this is not the time of lamentation; let us dothat which is proper and suited to the present occasion, althoughYudhishthira doth not speak a single word.
Vaisampayana said, “When that foremost of monkeys had gone away, Bhima,the best of strong men, began to range the huge Gandhamadana along thatpath.
Janamejaya said, “O thou of ascetic wealth! when the sons of Pandu andthe Vrishnis reached the holy spot Prabhasa, what did they do and whatconversation was held there by them, for all of them were of mightysouls, proficient in all the branches of science and both the Vrishnisand the sons of Pandu held one another in friendly estimation.”
Vaisampayana said, “Then contracting that huge body of his, which he hadassumed at will, the monkey with his arms again embraced Bhimasena. And OBharata, on Bhima being embraced by his brother, his fatigue went off,and all (the powers of body) as also his strength were restored.
Vaisampayana said, “The magnanimous monarch pursued his journey, and atdifferent spots on the shore of the sea visited the various bathingplaces, all sacred and pleasant and frequented by men of the sacerdotalcaste.
“Bhimasena said, ‘Without beholding thy former shape, I will never goaway. If I have found favour with thee, do thou then show me thine ownshape.
“Rama said, ‘The blame is mine, O father, that like a stag in the wood,thou hast been shot dead with arrows, by those mean and stupidwretches–the sons of Kartavirya.