अध्याय 183
1 [भृगु]
सत्यं बरह्म तपः सत्यं सत्यं सृजति च परजाः
सत्येन धार्यते लॊकः सवर्गं सत्येन गच्छति
1 [भृगु]
सत्यं बरह्म तपः सत्यं सत्यं सृजति च परजाः
सत्येन धार्यते लॊकः सवर्गं सत्येन गच्छति
किसी गांव में एक किसान रहता था| वह बड़ा ही भला और मेहनती था| उसके दो लड़के थे| वह दोनों को अच्छी सीख देता था| कहता था – “जो बोओगे, वही काटोगे|”
“Narada said, ‘That tiger of Bhrigu’s race (viz., Rama), was well-pleasedwith the might of Karna’s arms, his affection (for him), hisself-restraint, and the services he did unto his preceptor.
मध्य प्रदेश के रायपुर जिले के आसपास का इलाका छत्तीसगढ़ कहलाता है| इस प्रदेश के कई दूसरे इलाकों की तरह भी काफी संख्या में जनजातियां रहती हैं|
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Tell me, O grandsire, if gifts, sacrifices,penances, and dutiful services returned to preceptors, are productive ofwisdom and high felicity.'[543]
“Arjuna said,–‘Thou applaudest, O Krishna, the abandonment of actions,and again the application (to them). Tell me definitely which one ofthese two is superior.
“Virata said, ‘If this one, indeed, be the Kuru king Yudhisthira the sonof Kunti, which amongst these is his brother Arjuna, and which, themighty Bhima.
एक बार एक राजा ने अपने मंत्री से कहा, ‘मुझे इन चार प्रश्नों के जवाब दो। जो यहां हो वहां नहीं, दूसरा- वहां हो यहां नहीं, तीसरा- जो यहां भी नहीं हो और वहां भी न हो, चौथा- जो यहां भी हो और वहां भी।’
“Karna said,–‘We have never heard of such an act (as this one ofDraupadi), performed by any of the women noted in this world for theirbeauty.