Chapter 89
“Bhishma continued, ‘Listen to me, O Yudhishthira, as I tell thee whatthose optional Sraddhas are that should be performed under the differentconstellations and that were first spoken of by Yama unto kingSasavindu.
“Bhishma continued, ‘Listen to me, O Yudhishthira, as I tell thee whatthose optional Sraddhas are that should be performed under the differentconstellations and that were first spoken of by Yama unto kingSasavindu.
1 [ज]
पूर्वम एव यदा रामस तस्मिन युद्धे उपस्थिते
आमन्त्र्य केशवं यातॊ वृष्णिभिः सहितः परभुः
“Bhishma said, ‘Those virtuous ascetics then set themselves about theirusual avocations, thinking all the while as to what they should do forthat maiden.
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘Day by day, O Sanjaya, my blazing fame is beingdarkened. A great many warriors of mine have fallen. I think, all this isdue to the reverse brought about by time.
“Vasudeva continued, ‘Then O thou foremost of the Bharata race, taking upmy beautiful bow, I began to cut off with my arrows the heads of theenemies of the celestials, from off that car of costly metals!
परशुराम रामायण काल के दौरान के मुनी थे। पूर्वकाल में कन्नौज नामक नगर में गाधि नामक राजा राज्य करते थे। उनकी सत्यवती नाम की एक अत्यन्त रूपवती कन्या थी। राजा गाधि ने सत्यवती का विवाह भृगुनन्दन ऋषीक के साथ कर दिया। सत्यवती के विवाह के पश्चात् वहाँ भृगु जी ने आकर अपने पुत्रवधू को आशीर्वाद दिया और उससे वर माँगने के लिये कहा।
“Sanjaya said, ‘During the progress of that battle which was sodestructive of men and steeds and elephants, Subala’s son, Shakuni, Oking, rushed against Sahadeva.