अध्याय 43
1 [स]
एतस्मिन्न अन्तरे कृष्णः पार्थं वचनम अब्रवीत
दर्शयन्न इव कौन्तेयं धर्मराजं युधिष्ठिरम
1 [स]
एतस्मिन्न अन्तरे कृष्णः पार्थं वचनम अब्रवीत
दर्शयन्न इव कौन्तेयं धर्मराजं युधिष्ठिरम
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Marching out of the city, those heroic smiters theMatsyas, arrayed in order of battle, overtook the Trigartas when the sunhad passed the meridian.
Vaisampayana said,–“in consequence of the protection afforded byYudhisthira the just, and of the truth which he ever cherished in hisbehaviour, as also of the check under which he kept all foes, thesubjects of that virtuous monarch were all engaged in their respectiveavocations.
माँ! पहले विवाह मैं करूँगा| एकदन्त के सहसा ऐसे वचन सुनकर पहले तो शिवा हँसीं और अपने प्रिय पुत्र विनायक से स्नेहयुक्त स्वर में बोलीं-‘हाँ, हाँ! विवाह तो तेरा भी होगा ही, पर स्कन्द तुझसे बड़ा है| पहले उसका विवाह होगा|’
“Sanjaya said, ‘Having with a cheerful heart gratified king Yudhishthirathe just, Partha, prepared to slay the Suta’s son, addressed Govinda,saying, “Let my car be once more equipped and let my foremost of steedsbe yoked thereto.
सागर के किनारे से थोड़ी दूर पर एक बड़ा वृक्ष था, जिस पर एक बन्दर रहता था| उस सागर में रहने वाला एक बड़ा मगरमच्छ एक दिन उस वृक्ष के नीचे ठंडी-ठंडी हवा का आनन्द ले रहा था|
1 बृहदश्व उवाच
दमयन्ती तु तच छरुत्वा भृशं शॊकपरायणा
शङ्कमाना नलं तं वै केशिनीम इदम अब्रवीत
“Bhishma said, ‘In this connection is cited the old history of thediscourse between Sakra and Samvara. Do thou listen to it, OYudhishthira. Once upon a time Sakra, assuming the guise of an asceticwith matted locks on his head and body smeared with ashes all over, rodeon an ugly car and repaired to the presence of the Asura Samvara.’
1 [य]
किं शीलः किं समाचारः किं विद्यः किं परायनः
पराप्नॊति बरह्मणः सथानं यत परं परकृतेर धरुवम