जो घट अंतर हरि सुमिरै
जो घट अंतर
जो घट अंतर हरि सुमिरै .
ताको काल रूठि का करिहै जे चित चरन धरे ..
‘Yajnavalkya said, Listen now to me, with attention, O king, as to whatthe places are to which those who die have to go.
काशी प्राचीन समय से प्रसिद्ध है| संस्कृत-विद्या का वह पुराना केंद्र है| उसे भगवान् विश्वनाथ की नगरी या विश्वनाथपुरी भी कहा जाता है| विश्वनाथ जी वहाँ बहुत प्राचीन मन्दिर है|
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Desirous of giving his grandsons a superioreducation, Bhishma was on the look-out for a teacher endued with energyand well-skilled in the science of arms.
“Sanat-sujata said, ‘The primary Seed (of the universe), calledMahayasas, is destitute of accidents, is pure Knowledge, and blazeth witheffulgence. It leadeth the senses, and it is in consequence of that Seedthat Surya shineth.
संसृति मूल सूलप्रद नाना | सकल सोक दायक अभिमाना ||
तेहि ते करहिं कृपानिधि दूरी | सेवक पर ममता अति भूरी ||
Vaisampayana said, “When they had left their happy home in the beautifulmountain abounding in cascades, and having birds,