Chapter 333
“Bhishma said, Having ascended the summit of the mountain, O Bharata, theson of Vyasa sat down upon a level spot free from blades of grass andretired from the haunts of other creatures.
“Bhishma said, Having ascended the summit of the mountain, O Bharata, theson of Vyasa sat down upon a level spot free from blades of grass andretired from the haunts of other creatures.
1 भीष्म उवाच
ततॊ ऽहं समनुज्ञाप्य कालीं सत्यवतीं तदा
मन्त्रिणश च दविजांश चैव तथैव च पुरॊहितान
समनुज्ञासिषं कन्यां जयेष्ठाम अम्बां नराधिप
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Having addressed Suyodhana thus, the highly blessedand wise Dhritarashtra again asked Sanjaya, saying, ‘Tell me, O Sanjaya,what thou hast not yet said, viz., what Arjuna told thee after theconclusion of Vasudeva’s speech, for great is my curiosity to hear it.’
“Vaisampayana said, ‘About this time, the learned Vidura had sent intothose woods a man of pure character and much trusted by him. This persongoing to where he had been directed, saw the Pandavas with their motherin the forest employed in a certain place in measuring the depth of ariver.
एक बार भगवान श्रीकृष्ण हस्तिनापुर से दुर्योधन के यज्ञ से निवृत्त होकर द्वारका लौटे थे| यदुकुल की लक्ष्मी उस समय ऐंद्री लक्ष्मी को भी मात कर रही थी| सागर के मध्य स्थित श्री द्वारकापुरी की छटा अमरावती की शोभा को और भी तिरस्कृत कर रही थी|
Vaisampayana continued, “Thus dwelling with the Brahmanas in that best ofmountains, in expectation of Arjuna’s return,
एक बार कुछ खरगोश गरमी के दिनों में झरबेरी की एक सूखी झाड़ी में इकट्ठे हुए| खेतों में उन दिनों अन्न न होने से वे सब भूखे थे और इन दिनों सुबह और शाम को गाँव से बाहर घुमने वालों के साथ आने वाले कुत्ते भी उन्हें बहुत तंग करते थे|
“Lomasa said, ‘Now the news came to Saryati that Chyavana had been turnedinto a youth. And well pleased he came, accompanied by his troops, to thehermitage of the son of Bhrigu.
Vaisampayana, said, ‘Hearing that the Pandavas were near, that crusher offoes, viz., Vasudeva, accompanied by his ministers, went out for seeingthem.