Chapter 66

Mahabharata English - UDYOGA PARAVA

“Vaisampayana said, ‘Having addressed Suyodhana thus, the highly blessedand wise Dhritarashtra again asked Sanjaya, saying, ‘Tell me, O Sanjaya,what thou hast not yet said, viz., what Arjuna told thee after theconclusion of Vasudeva’s speech, for great is my curiosity to hear it.’

“Sanjaya said, ‘Having heard the words spoken by Vasudeva, theirresistible Dhananjaya, the son of Kunti, when the opportunity came,said these words in the hearing of Vasudeva. ‘O Sanjaya, our grandsire,the son of Santanu, and Dhritarashtra, and Drona, and Kripa, and Karna,and king Vahlika, and Drona’s son, and Somadatta, and Sakuni the son ofSuvala; and Dussasana, and Sala, and Purumitra, and Vivingsati; Vikarna,and Chitrasena, and king Jayatsena, and Vinda and Anuvinda, the twochiefs of Avanti, and Bhurisravas, and king Bhagadatta, and kingJarasandha and other rulers of the earth, assembled there to fight forthe good of the Kauravas, are all on the eve of death. They have beenassembled by Dhritarashtra’s son for being offered up as libations on theblazing Pandava-fire. In my name, Sanjaya, enquire after the welfare ofthose assembled kings according to their respective ranks, paying themproper regard at the same time. Thou shouldest also, O Sanjaya, say this,in the presence of all kings, unto Suyodhana-that foremost of all sinfulmen. Wrathful and wicked, of sinful soul and exceedingly covetous, dothou, O Sanjaya, see that that fool with his counsellors hears all that Isay.’ And with this preface, Pritha’s son Dhananjaya, endued with greatwisdom, and possessed of large eyes with red corners, glancing atVasudeva, then spoke unto me these words pregnant with both virtue andprofit, ‘Thou hast already heard the measured words spoken by thehigh-souled chief of the Madhu’s race. Say unto the assembled kings thatthose are also my words. And say this also for me, unto those kings,–Doye together try to act in such a way that libations may not have to bepoured into the arrowy fire of the great sacrifice of battle, in whichthe rattle of car-wheels will sound as mantras, and the rank-routing bowwill act as the ladle. If, indeed, ye do not give up unto Yudhishthira,that slayer of foes, his own share in the kingdom asked back by him, Ishall then, by means of my arrows, send all of you, with cavalry,infantry, and elephants, into the inauspicious regions of departedspirits.’ Then bidding adieu unto Dhananjaya and Hari of four arms andbowing unto them both, I have with great speed come hither to conveythose words of grave import to thee, O thou that art endued witheffulgence equal that of the very gods.’

Chapter 67
Chapter 65