Chapter 82
“Sanjaya said, ‘While Yudhishthira, Vasudeva, and others were thusconversing, Dhananjaya came there, desirous of beholding that foremostone of Bharata’s race, viz., the king, as also his friends andwell-wishers.
“Sanjaya said, ‘While Yudhishthira, Vasudeva, and others were thusconversing, Dhananjaya came there, desirous of beholding that foremostone of Bharata’s race, viz., the king, as also his friends andwell-wishers.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Hearing these words of Yudhishthira, Narada replied,’O son of Pritha, listen with thy brothers to me as I recite this oldstory, O Yudhishthira, exactly as everything happened. In olden days, amighty Daitya named Nikumbha, endued with great energy and strength wasborn in the race of the great Asura, Hiranyakasipu.
“Vrihadaswa said, ‘Having passed that night, king Nala decked inornaments and with Damayanti by his side, presented himself in due timebefore the king.
“The blessed and holy one said, ‘In days of yore, a blessed woman wascreated by Brahman, called Tilottama, by culling grains of beauty fromevery beautiful object in the universe.
सृष्टि के प्रारंभिक काल में भगवान विष्णु की आज्ञा से ब्रह्मा ने जीवों, खासतौर पर मनुष्य योनि की रचना की। अपनी सर्जना से वे संतुष्ट नहीं थे।
ब्रहापुर नगरवासी एक ब्राह्मण की पत्नी इतनी अधिक झगड़ालू थी कि प्रतिदिन उसके कारण ब्राह्मण को अपने बंधु-बांधवों से भला-बुरा सुनना पड़ता था| यहाँ तक कि उस नगर में ब्राह्मण से कोई बोलना तक पसंद नही करता था|
1 धृतराष्ट्र उवाच
कथम आसंस तदा यॊधा हीना भीष्मेण संजय
बलिना देवकल्पेन गुर्वर्थे बरह्मचारिणा
एक गरीब अनपढ़ ब्राह्मण मांगकर अपना गुजारा चलाता था| उस ब्राह्मण की हार्दिक इच्छा यह थी कि लोग उसे पंडितजी कहें किंतु उस अनपढ़ को पंडितजी कौन कहता|