Chapter 30
“Sauti said, ‘At the very touch by Garuda of great might with his feet,the branch of the tree broke as it was caught by Garuda.
“Sauti said, ‘At the very touch by Garuda of great might with his feet,the branch of the tree broke as it was caught by Garuda.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Beholding Drona thus slaying steeds and drivers andcar-warriors and elephants, the Pandavas, without being troubled,encompassed him on all sides.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘O adorable one, thou hast described to me in detailthe history of the birth of Rama and others. I wish to learn the cause oftheir exile. Do thou, O Brahmana, relate why the sons of Dasaratha–thebrothers Rama and Lakshmana–went to the forest with famous princess ofMithila.’
“Yudhishthira said, ‘The three regenerate classes, who are given tosacrifices and other rites, sometimes eat the remnants, consisting ofmeat and wine, of sacrifices in honour of the deities, from motives ofobtaining children and heaven. What, O grandsire, is the character ofthis act?’
Sanjaya said, “Then Bhishma the son of Santanu fought fiercely,[394]desirous of protecting the sons from the fear of Bhimasena.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘After this king Yudhishthira of magnanimous soulcaused the Sraddha rites to be performed of every one of his kinsmenslain in battle.
“Vaisampayana said,–‘The royal son of Amvika, viz., Dhritarashtra,having settled the hour of his departure for the woods, summoned thoseheroes, the Pandavas.
“Saunaka said, ‘O son of Suta, what was Indra’s fault, what his act ofcarelessness? How was Garuda born in consequence of the ascetic penancesof the Valakhilyas? Why also Kasyapa–a Brahman–had the king of birdsfor a son? Why, too, was he invincible of all creatures and unslayable ofall?
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘How did the Pandavas and the Srinjayas slay Dronain battle,–Drona. who was so accomplished in weapons amongst allwielders of arms?
“Markandeya said, ‘Then the Brahmarshis, the Siddhas and the Devarshis,with Havyavaha as their spokesman, sought the protection of Brahma. AndAgni said, ‘That powerful son of Visrava, the Ten-headed cannot be slainon account of thy boon!