Chapter 68
“Bhishma said, ‘Hear from me, O king, this hymn that was uttered byBrahman himself.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘The royal son of Kunti, freed from grief and thefever of his heart, took his seat, with face eastwards, on excellent seatmade of gold.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Thus addressed by king Yudhishthira, Vidura, thatforemost of all intelligent persons, returned to Dhritarashtra and saidunto him these words of grave import.
“Sauti continued, ‘A certain Brahmana with his wife had entered thethroat of that ranger of the skies. The former began to burn the bird’sthroat like a piece of flaming charcoal. Him Garuda addressed, saying, ‘Obest of Brahmanas, come out soon from my mouth which I open for thee. ABrahmana must never be slain by me, although he may be always engaged insinful practices.’
“Drona said, ‘I know the Vedas with their six branches. I know also thescience of human affairs. I am acquainted also with the Saiva weapon, anddiverse other species of weapons.
“Markandeya said, ‘Beholding Ravana come, Maricha received him with arespectful welcome, and offered him fruits and roots.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘By doing what does one acquire happiness, and whatis that by doing which one meets with woe? What also is that, O Bharata,by doing which one becomes freed from fear and sojourns here crowned withsuccess (in respect of the objects of life)?’
Sanjaya said, “After the night had passed away and the sun had risen, thetwo armies, O king, approached each other for battle. Beholding eachother, each rushed in united ranks towards the other excited with rageand desirous of vanquishing the other.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Having heard those words, suitable to time andplace, of his subjects, king Yudhishthira answered them in the followingwords, ‘Great must be the sons of Pandu, in sooth, whose merits, true orfalse, are thus recited by such foremost of Brahmanas assembled together.
“Vaisampayana said,–‘Thus addressed by Vidura, king Dhritarashtra becamehighly pleased, O monarch, with the act of Yudhishthira and Jishnu.