Chapter 4
‘UGRASRAVA SAUTI, the son of Lomaharshana, versed in the Puranas, whilepresent in the forest of Naimisha, at the twelve years’ sacrifice ofSaunaka, surnamed Kulapati, stood before the Rishis in attendance.
‘UGRASRAVA SAUTI, the son of Lomaharshana, versed in the Puranas, whilepresent in the forest of Naimisha, at the twelve years’ sacrifice ofSaunaka, surnamed Kulapati, stood before the Rishis in attendance.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Wheeling round, like the planet Mercury in the curvatureof its orbit, Jishnu (Arjuna) once more slew large number of thesamsaptakas.
Vaisampayana said, “After the conclusion of Arjuna’s speech, Bhimasena ofgreat wrath and energy, mustering all his patience, said these words untohis eldest brother, ‘Thou art, O monarch, conversant with all duties.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Tell me, O grandsire, what and of what nature isthat which is called by the name of Adhyatma and which is laid down forevery person.[600] O thou that art acquainted with Brahma, whence hasthis universe consisting of mobile and immobile things, been created?When universal destruction sets in, to whom does it go? It behoveth theeto discourse to me upon this topic.'[601]
“Arjuna said, ‘Of renunciation, O thou of mighty arms, I desire to knowthe true nature, and also of abandonment, O lord of the sensesdistinctly, O slayer of Kesi.'[293]
“Kunti said, ‘According to thy promise, I will, O king, with concentratedmind, serve that Brahmana. O foremost of kings, I do not say thisfalsely. It is my nature to worship Brahmanas.
“Yudhishthira said, Ye deities, I do not see here Radhas son ofimmeasurable prowess, as also my high-souled brothers, and Yudhamanyu andUttamaujas, those great car-warriors that poured their bodies (aslibations) on the fire of battle, those kings and princes that met withdeath for my sake in battle.
“Saunaka said, ‘Child, thy father formerly read the whole of the Puranas,O son of Lomaharshana, and the Bharata with Krishna-Dwaipayana. Hast thoualso made them thy study? In those ancient records are chronicledinteresting stories and the history of the first generations of the wisemen, all of which we heard being rehearsed by thy sire. In the firstplace, I am desirous of hearing the history of the race of Bhrigu.Recount thou that history, we shall attentively listen to thee.”
“Sanjaya said, ‘Meanwhile towards the northern part of the Pandava army,a loud uproar arose of cars and elephants and steeds and foot-soldiers asthose were being massacred by Dandadhara.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Discontent, heedless attachment to earthly goods,the absence of tranquillity, might, folly, vanity, and anxiety,–affectedby these sins, O Bhima, thou covetest sovereignty.