Chapter 302

Mahabharata English - ARANYAKA PARVA

“Kunti said, ‘According to thy promise, I will, O king, with concentratedmind, serve that Brahmana. O foremost of kings, I do not say thisfalsely. It is my nature to worship Brahmanas. And, as in the presentcase, my doing so would be agreeable to thee, even this would be highlyconducive to my welfare. Whether that worshipful one cometh in theevening, or in morning, or at night or even at midnight, he will have noreason to be angry with me! O foremost of kings, to do good by servingthe twice-born ones, observing all thy commands, is what I consider to behighly profitable to me, O best of men! Do thou, therefore, O foremost ofmonarchs rely on me! That best of Brahmanas, while residing in thy house,shall never have cause for dissatisfaction. I tell thee truly. I shall, Oking, be always attentive to that which is agreeable to this Brahmana,and what is fraught also with good to thee. O sinless one! I know fullwell that Brahmanas that are eminently virtuous, when propitiated bestowsalvation, and when displeased, are capable of bringing about destructionupon the offender. Therefore, I shall please this foremost of Brahmanas.Thou wilt not, O monarch, come to any grief from that best of regeneratepersons, owing to any act of mine. In consequence of the transgressionsof monarchs, Brahmanas, O foremost of kings, became the cause of evil tothem, as Chyavana had become, in consequence of the act of Sukanya. Iwill, therefore, O king, with great regularity, wait upon that best ofBrahmanas according to thy instructions in that respect!’ And when shehad thus spoken at length, the king embraced and cheered her, andinstructed her in detail as to what should be done by her. And the kingsaid, ‘Thou shall, O gentle maid, act even thus, without fear, for mygood as also thy own, and for the good of thy race also, O thou offaultless limbs!’ And having said this the illustrious Kuntibhoja, whowas devoted to the Brahmanas, made over the girl Pritha to that Brahmana,saying, ‘This my daughter, O Brahmana, is of tender age and brought up inluxury. If, therefore, she transgresses at any time, do thou not takethat to heart! Illustrious Brahmanas are never angry with old men,children, and ascetics, even if these transgress frequently. In respectof even a great wrong forgiveness is due from the regenerate. Theworship, therefore, O best of Brahmanas, that is offered to the best ofone’s power and exertion, should be acceptable!’ Hearing these words ofthe monarch, the Brahmana said, ‘So be it!’ Thereupon, the king becamehighly pleased and assigned unto him apartments that were white as swansor the beams of the moon. And in the room intended for the sacrificialfire, the king placed a brilliant seat especially constructed for him.And the food and other things that were offered unto the Brahmana were ofthe same excellent kind. And casting aside idleness and all sense ofself-importance, the princess addressed herself with right good will towait upon the Brahmana. And the chaste Kunti, endued with purity ofconduct, went thither for serving the Brahmana. And duly waiting uponthat Brahmana as if he were a very god, she gratified him highly.”

Chapter 301
Chapter 303