Chapter 131
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Desirous of giving his grandsons a superioreducation, Bhishma was on the look-out for a teacher endued with energyand well-skilled in the science of arms.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Desirous of giving his grandsons a superioreducation, Bhishma was on the look-out for a teacher endued with energyand well-skilled in the science of arms.
“Sanat-sujata said, ‘The primary Seed (of the universe), calledMahayasas, is destitute of accidents, is pure Knowledge, and blazeth witheffulgence. It leadeth the senses, and it is in consequence of that Seedthat Surya shineth.
Vaisampayana said, “When they had left their happy home in the beautifulmountain abounding in cascades, and having birds,
“Brahmana said, ‘Since the mind is the ruler of these five elements, inthe matter of controlling and bringing them forth, the mind, therefore,is the soul of the elements.
“Yajnavalkya said, ‘Thou hast asked me, O monarch, of that Supreme Brahmawhich resides in the Unmanifest.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Then, O king, the mighty son of Bharadyaja presentedhimself before Drupada, and addressing that monarch, said, ‘Know me forthy friend.’
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Thus conversing with Sanat-sujata and the learnedVidura, the king passed that night. And after the night had passed away,all the princes and chiefs, entered the court-hall with joyous hearts anddesirous of seeing that Suta (who had returned).
Janamejaya said, “When that prime among heroes, having been accomplishedin arms, had returned from the abode of the slayer of Vritra, what didPritha’s sons do in company with the warlike Dhananjaya?”
“Vaisampayana said, ‘After this, Krishna ordered Daruka, saying–Let mycar be yoked.–Within a very short space of time Daruka informed (hismaster), saying,–It has been yoked.–The son of Pandu then commanded allhis attendants, saying,–Prepare yourselves and be ready.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Having acquired great power and great wealth, andhaving obtained a long period of life, how may one succeed in avoidingdeath?