Chapter 218
“Markandeya continued, ‘Vrishaspati had a wife (called Tara) belonging tothe lunar world. By her, he had six sons partaking of the energy of fire,and one daughter.
“Markandeya continued, ‘Vrishaspati had a wife (called Tara) belonging tothe lunar world. By her, he had six sons partaking of the energy of fire,and one daughter.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Time, that is fraught, with terror unto allcreatures, is running his course. What is that source of good after whichone should strive? Tell me this, O grandsire!’
“Ashtaka said, ‘Capable of assuming any form at will, thou hast lived fora million years in the gardens of Nandana. For what cause, O foremost ofthose that flourished in the Krita age, hast thou been compelled to leavethat region and come hither?’
“Indra said, “Dost thou, O Vrihaspati, sleep in peace, and are thyservants agreeable to thee, dost thou seek the welfare of the gods, anddo the gods, O Brahmana, protect thee?”
“Drupada said, ‘O mighty-armed one, it will, without doubt, be even asthou hast said! Never will Duryodhana give up the kingdom by peacefulmeans, and Dhritarashtra, who dotes on his son, will follow him in hiswish.
Markandeya continued, ‘O ornament of Kuru’s race, he (Angiras) who wasthe third son of Brahma had a wife of the name of Subha. Do thou hear ofthe children he had by her.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Of what behaviour must a man be, of what acts, ofwhat kind of knowledge, and to what must he be devoted, for attaining toBrahma’s place which transcends Prakriti and which is unchangeable?’
“Ashtaka said, ‘Those cognisant of the Vedas differ in opinion as to howthe followers of each of the four modes of life, viz., Grihasthas,Bhikshus, Brahmacharins, and Vanaprashthas, should conduct themselves inorder to acquire religious merit.”
“Indra said, “Even so it is; the might of Brahmanas is great and thereare none more powerful than Brahmanas, but I can never bear withequanimity the insolent pride of Avikshita’s son, and so shall I smitehim with my thunderbolt.
“Drupada said, ‘Of beings those that are endowed with life are superior.Of living beings those that are endowed with intelligence are superior.Of intelligent creatures men are superior.