Chapter 222
“Markandeya continued, ‘O sinless scion of Kuru’s race, I have describedto thee the various branches of the race of Agni. Listen now to the storyof the birth of the intelligent Kartikeya.
“Markandeya continued, ‘O sinless scion of Kuru’s race, I have describedto thee the various branches of the race of Agni. Listen now to the storyof the birth of the intelligent Kartikeya.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘By what means doth a man become sinful, by what dothhe achieve virtue, by what doth he attain to Renunciation, and by whatdoth he win Emancipation?’
“Vaisampayana said, ‘King Yayati, the son of Nahusha, having thusinstalled his dear son on the throne, became exceedingly happy, andentered into the woods to lead the life of a hermit.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘O best of speakers, how that king became sopowerful? And how, O twice-born one, did he obtain so much gold? Andwhere now, O reverend sire, is all his wealth? And, O ascetic, how can wesecure the same?’
“Sanjaya said,–‘After Santanu’s son Bhishma, O monarch, had becomesilent, all those rulers of earth, there present, then returned to theirrespective quarters.
Markandeya continued, “Mudita, the favourite wife of the fire Swaha, usedto live in water. And Swaha who was the regent of the earth and sky begetin that wife of his a highly sacred fire called Advanta.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘While that king of kings dwelt in heaven–the homeof the celestials, he was reverenced by the gods, the Sadhyas, theMaruts, and the Vasus. Of sacred deeds, and mind under complete control,the monarch used to repair now and then from the abode of the celestialsunto the region of Brahman. And it hath been heard by me that he dweltfor a long time in heaven.
“Vyasa said, ‘The ancient legend of Vrihaspati and the wise Marutta iscited in this connection. On hearing of the compact made by Angira’s sonVrihaspati with the lord of the gods (Indra), king Marutta made thenecessary preparations for a great sacrifice.
OM! HAVING BOWED down to Narayana, and Nara the most exalted of malebeings, and also to the goddess Saraswati, must the word Jaya be uttered.
“Markandeya continued, ‘The fire called Bharata was bound by severe rulesof asceticism. Pushtimati is another name of his fire; for when he issatisfied he vouchsafes pushti (development) to all creatures, and forthis reason he is called Bharata (or the Cherisher).