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“Vaisampayana said, ‘Bowing down in the first place to my preceptor withthe eight parts of my body touching the ground, with devotion andreverence, and with all my heart, worshipping the whole assembly ofBrahmanas and other learned persons, I shall recite in full what I haveheard from the high-souled and great Rishi Vyasa, the first ofintelligent men in the three worlds.

“Vaisampayana said, ‘There was a king of the name of Uparichara. Thatmonarch was devoted to virtue. He was very much addicted also to hunting.That king of the Paurava race, called also Vasu, conquered the excellentand delightful kingdom of Chedi under instructions from Indra. Some timeafter, the king gave up the use of arms and, dwelling in a secludedretreat, practised the most severe austerities.