Chapter 243
“Vyasa said, ‘Observant of meritorious vows, the householder, for thesecond period of life, should dwell in his house, having taken spousesaccording to the ways indicated in the ordinance and having establishedafire (of his own).
“Vyasa said, ‘Observant of meritorious vows, the householder, for thesecond period of life, should dwell in his house, having taken spousesaccording to the ways indicated in the ordinance and having establishedafire (of his own).
Dhritarashtra said, “Tell me, O Sanjaya, all that the mighty Partha didin battle when they heard that Iravat had been slain.”
“Vaisampayana said, ‘After two years had elapsed from the date of thereturn of the Pandavas (from the retreat of their sire), the celestialRishi, Narada, O king, came to Yudhishthira.
“Saunaka asked, ‘What great Rishis became the Ritwiks at thesnake-sacrifice of the wise king Janamejaya of the Pandava line? Who alsobecame the Sadasyas in that terrible snake-sacrifice, so frightful to thesnakes, and begetting such sorrow in them? It behoveth thee to describeall these in detail, so that, O son of Suta, we may know who wereacquainted with the rituals of the snake-sacrifice.’
Vaisampayana continued, “O king, O lord of men, that slayer of hostileheroes, the Suta’s son, said these words to Duryodhana, ‘O KauravaDuryodhana, do thou lay unto thy heart the words that I shall tell thee;and, O represser of foes, after having heard my words, it behoveth theeto act accordingly every way.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Of fierce deeds in battle and above all fatigue, asproved by their feats, five sons of Pandu, with Krishna, are incapable ofbeing resisted by the very gods.
“Bhishma said, “Though hast been told what the duties of domesticity areas ordained by the wise. Listen now, O Yudhishthira, to what those dutiesare that have been next spoken of.
Sanjaya said,–“That arrowy shower, difficult of being borne by even theDanavas, king Duryodhana, however, (quietly) bore in that battle, like agigantic elephant bearing a shower (from the blue).
“Yudhishthira said, ‘When such a fate overtook that high-souled monarchwho was engaged in austere penances, notwithstanding the fact of hishaving such kinsmen as ourselves all alive, it seems to me, O regenerateone, that the end of human beings is difficult to guess.
“Sauti said, ‘Then the snake-dame Jaratkaru, calling her own son, toldhim the following words according to the directions of Vasuki, the kingof the snakes. ‘O son, the time is come for the accomplishment of thatobject for which I was bestowed on thy father by my brother. Therefore,do thou that which should be done.’