Chapter 267
Vaisampayana said, “Meanwhile those foremost of bowmen on the face of theearth, having wandered separately and ranged in all directions, andhaving slain plenty of deer and buffaloes, at length met together.
Vaisampayana said, “Meanwhile those foremost of bowmen on the face of theearth, having wandered separately and ranged in all directions, andhaving slain plenty of deer and buffaloes, at length met together.
“Sanjaya said, ‘The troops of both the armies, having proceeded to theirtents, duly took up their quarters, O king, according to the divisionsand the sub-divisions to which they belonged.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘King Yudhishthira, hearing of those feats of Rama,became filled with wonder and said unto Janardana, O thou of Vrishni’srace, the prowess of the high-souled Rama, who in wrath had freed theearth of Kshatriyas, was like that of Sakra himself.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘What man is there who is dear to all, who gladdensall persons, and who is endued with every merit and every accomplishment?’
Sanjaya said, “Then Abhimanyu, accompanied by Bhimasena pursuing thysons, afflicted them all.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘The Pandavas alighted, at a distance, from theircars and proceeded on foot to the retreat of the king, bending themselvesin humility.
“Saunaka said, ‘O son of Suta, I desire to know the reason why theillustrious Rishi whom thou hast named Jaratkaru came to be so called onearth. It behoveth thee to tell us the etymology of the name Jaratkaru.’
Vaisampayana said, “The daughter of Drupada, though naturally handsome,was suffused with crimson arising from a fit of anger.
“Sanjaya said, ‘The Samsaptakas,[32] then, filled with joy, took theirstand on a level field, having, with their cars, formed an array in theshape of the half-moon.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Hearing these words of Krishna fraught with Moralityand profit, Santanu’s Bhishma, answered him in the following words.