Chapter 53

Mahabharata English - SANTI PARVA

“Vaisampayana said, ‘The slayer of Madhu, retiring to his bed, slepthappily. Awaking when half a Yama was wanting to usher in the day, headdressed himself to contemplation. Fixing all his senses, he meditatedon the eternal Brahma. Then a batch of well-trained and sweet-voicedpersons, conversant with hymns and the Puranas, began to utter thepraises of Vasudeva, that lord of all creatures and creator of theuniverse. Others, marking time by clapping of hands, began to recitesweet hymns, and vocalists began to sing. Conch-shells and drums wereblown and beaten by thousands. The delightful sound of Vinas, Panavas,and bamboo flutes was heard. The spacious mansion of Krishna, inconsequence thereof, seemed to laugh with music. In the palace of kingYudhishthira also sweet voices were heard, uttering auspicious wishes,and the sound of songs too and musical instruments. Then he of Dasarha’srace performed his ablutions. Joining his hands, the mighty-armed hero ofunfading glory silently recited his secret mantras, and kindling a firepoured libations of clarified butter upon it. Giving away a thousand kineunto a thousand Brahmanas all of whom were fully conversant with the fourVedas, he caused them to utter benedictions upon him. Touching nextdiverse kinds of auspicious articles and beholding himself in a clearmirror, Krishna addressed Satyaki, saying, ‘Go, O descendant of Sini, andrepairing to Yudhishthira’s abode, ascertain whether that king of greatenergy is dressed for visiting Bhishma.’ At these words of Krishna,Satyaki, proceeding quickly to the royal son of Pandu, said unto him,’The foremost of cars, belonging to Vasudeva of great intelligence,stands ready, O king, for Janardana will go to see Ganga’s son. Orighteous king of great splendour, he is waiting for thee. It behoveththee now to do what should be done next.’ Thus addressed, Dharma’s sonYudhishthira answered as follows.’

“Yudhishthira said, ‘O Phalguna of unrivalled splendour, let my foremostof cars be made ready. We should not be accompanied (today) by thesoldiers, but we shall proceed ourselves. That foremost of righteouspersons, Bhishma, should not be vexed. Let the guards, therefore, ODhananjaya, stop today. From this day Ganga’s son will speak of thingsthat are great mysteries. I do not therefore, O son of Kunti, wish thatthere should be a miscellaneous gathering (in Bhishma’s presence).’

“Vaisampayana continued, ‘Hearing these words of the king, Kunti’s sonDhananjaya, that foremost of men (went out and coming back) representedunto him that his best of cars stood harnessed for him. KingYudhishthira, and the twins, and Bhima and Arjuna, the five resemblingthe five elements, then proceeded towards Krishna’s abode. While thehigh-souled Pandavas were coming, Krishna of great intelligence,accompanied by the grandson of Sini, mounted on his car. Saluting oneanother from their cars and each enquiring of the other whether the nighthad been passed happily by him, those bulls among men proceeded, withoutstopping on those foremost of cars whose rattle resembled the roar of theclouds. Krishna’s steeds, viz., Valahaka and Meghapushpa and Saivya andSugriva were urged by Daruka. The animals, urged by him, O king,proceeded, indenting the earth with their hoofs. Endued with greatstrength and great speed, they flew onwards, devouring the very skies.Traversing the sacred field of Kuru, the princes proceeded to that spotwhere the puissant Bhishma on his bed of arrows was lying, surrounded bythose great Rishis, like Brahman himself in the midst of the gods. ThenGovinda and Yudhishthira and Bhima and the wielder of Gandiva and thetwins and Satyaki, alighting from their vehicles, saluted the Rishis byraising their right hands. Surrounded by them, king Yudhishthira like themoon in the midst of the stars approached Ganga’s son like Vasavaproceeding towards Brahman. Overcome with fear, the king timidly cast hiseyes on the mighty-armed hero lying on his bed of arrows like the Sunhimself dropped from the firmament.'”

Chapter 233
Chapter 232