अध्याय 37
1 [स]
एवम उक्तः स तेजस्वी शृङ्गी कॊपसमन्वितः
मृतधारं गुरुं शरुत्वा पर्यतप्यत मन्युना
“Vaisampayana said,–‘Equal unto Vrihaspati in intelligence and Brahmahimself in forgiveness, resembling Sakra in prowess and Surya in energy,Bhishma the son of Ganga, of infinite might, had been overthrown inbattle by Arjuna.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Hast thou, O grandsire, ever seen or heard of anymortal restored to life after having succumbed to death?’
एक दिन कंजूस सेठ को न जाने क्या हुआ, उसने एक साधु की झोली में एक पैसा डाल दिया। शाम को साधु द्वारा दिए गए प्रसाद के दोने में उसे अशर्फी मिली। वह पछताने लगा कि ज्यादा पैसे देता तो और ज्यादा अशर्फियां उसे मिलतीं।
1 [स]
ततॊ वयूढेष्व अनीकेषु तावकेष्व इतरेषु च
धनंजयॊ रथानीकम अवधीत तव भारत
शरैर अतिरथॊ युद्धे पातयन रथयूथपान
OM! HAVING BOWED down to Narayana, and Nara, the most exalted of malebeings, and also to the goddess Saraswati, must the word ‘Jaya’ beuttered.
“Uttara said, ‘Indeed, these weapons adorned with gold, belonging to thelight-handed and high-souled Partha, look exceedingly beautiful.