Chapter 28
“Sanjaya said, Having slain Bhagadatta who was ever the favourite and Ifriend of Indra and who was possessed of great energy, Parthacircumambulated him.
“Sanjaya said, Having slain Bhagadatta who was ever the favourite and Ifriend of Indra and who was possessed of great energy, Parthacircumambulated him.
बचपन में गांधीजी को लोग ‘मोनिया’ कहकर पुकारते थे| प्यार से ‘मोहन’ की जगह यह नाम लेते थे| मोनिया का शरीर दुबला था| उसे पेड़ों पर चढ़ना बहुत अच्छा लगता था| मंदिर के आंगन में पपीते और अमरूद के पेड़ थे| मोनिया उन पर चढ़कर पके फल तोड़ लाता|
“Suka said, ‘The declarations of the Vedas are twofold. They once Jaydown the command, ‘Do all acts.’ They also indicate (the reverse,saying), ‘Give up acts.’