अध्याय 95
1 अयुद्धेनैव विजयं वर्धयेद वसुधाधिपः
जघन्यम आहुर विजयं यॊ युद्धेन नराधिप
“Yudhishthira said, ‘The Vedas, O Bharata, discourse of Religion. Profit,and Pleasure. Tell me, however, O grandsire, the attainment of which(amongst these three) is regarded as superior.’
एक बार एक गांव में दो भाई रहा करते थे | उनका नाम था चांगी और मांगी | कहने को तो वे दोनों सगे भाई थे परंतु उनकी आदत एक दूसरे के विपरीत थी |
1 [धृ]
सनत्सुजात यद इमां परार्थां; बराह्मीं वाचं परवदसि विश्वरूपाम
परां हि कामेषु सुदुर्लभां कथां; तद बरूहि मे वाक्यम एतत कुमार
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Yayati then, on returning to his capital which waslike unto the city of Indra, entered his inner apartments and establishedthere his bride Devayani.
Sanjaya said, “Thus all the Pandavas, placing Sikhandin before thempierced Bhishma in that battle repeatedly surrounding him on all sides.
“Markandeya continued, ‘When that powerful, high-souled, and mighty beingwas born, various kinds of fearful phenomena occurred. And the nature ofmales and females, of heat and cold, and of such other pairs ofcontraries, was reversed.
महर्षि कणाद परम विरक्त तथा स्वाभिमानी थे। वह फसल की कटाई के बाद खेतों से अन्न के दाने चुनते और उन्हें भगवान को भोग लगाकर प्रसाद के रूप में ग्रहण करते थे।