Chapter 49
“The Rishis said,–‘Which among the duties is deemed to be the mostworthy of being performed? The diverse modes of duty, we see, arecontradictory.
“The Rishis said,–‘Which among the duties is deemed to be the mostworthy of being performed? The diverse modes of duty, we see, arecontradictory.
1 [य]
अर्थाश्रयाद वा कामाद वा वर्णानां वाप्य अनिश्चयात
अज्ञानाद वापि वर्णानां जायते वर्णसंकरः
1 [वै]
अथाब्रवीद दरौपदी राजपुत्री; पृष्टा शिबीनां परवरेण तेन अ
अवेक्ष्य मन्दं परविमुच्य शाखां; संगृह्णती कौशिकम उत्तरीयम
1 [वैषम्पायन]
ततः स च हृषीकेशः स च राजा युधिष्ठिरः
कृपादयश च ते सर्वे चत्वारः पाण्डवाश च ह
लक्ष्मीनारायण बहुत भोला लड़का था| वह प्रतिदिन रात में सोने से पहले अपनी दादी से कहानी सुनाने को कहता था| दादी उसे नागलोक, पाताल, गन्धर्वलोक, चन्द्रलोक, सूर्यलोक आदि की कहानियाँ सुनाया करती थी|
“Janamejaya said, ‘O Brahmana, it behoveth thee to relate to meeverything about the birth of Kripa. How did he spring from a clump ofheath? Whence also did he obtain his weapons?’