अध्याय 18
1 [अर्ज]
भीम जयेष्ठॊ गुरुर मे तवं नातॊ ऽनयद वक्तुम उत्सहे
धृतराष्ट्रॊ हि राजर्षिः सर्वथा मानम अर्हति
1 [अर्ज]
भीम जयेष्ठॊ गुरुर मे तवं नातॊ ऽनयद वक्तुम उत्सहे
धृतराष्ट्रॊ हि राजर्षिः सर्वथा मानम अर्हति
“Dhritarashtra said, O thou of great wisdom, my grief has been dispelledby thy excellent words! I desire, however, to again hear thee speak. How,indeed, do those that are wise free themselves from mental grief born ofthe advent of evils and the bereavement of objects that are dear?
“Narada said, ‘Removed from his place and pushed away from his seat withheart trembling in fear, and consumed by burning remorse, with hisgarlands dimmed in lustre and his knowledge clouded, shorn of his crownand bracelets,
“Sanjaya said, ‘While Krishna and Daruka were thus conversing together,that night, O king, passed away. (When morning dawned), king Yudhishthirarose from his bed.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Hearing these words of Vidura, Drupada said, ‘It iseven so as thou, O Vidura of great wisdom, hast said. Venerable one, Itoo have been exceedingly happy in consequence of this alliance. It ishighly proper that these illustrious princes should return to theirancestral kingdom. But it is not proper for me to say this myself.
“Vrihadaswa said, ‘After the festivities had commenced in the city thatwas full of joy and without anxiety of any kind, the king with a largeforce brought Damayanti (from her father’s home).
बादशाह अकबर के साले साहब ने एक बार फिर से स्वयं को दीवान बनाने की जिद की| अब बादशाह सीधे-सीधे तो साले साहब को इंकार कर नहीं सकते थे, सो उन्होंने फिर एक शर्त रखी और कहा – “ठीक है, मैं तुम्हें दीवान बना दूंगा|
“Uma said, ‘O holy one, O thou that didst tear off the eyes of Bhaga andthe teeth of Pushan, O destroyer of the sacrifice of Daksha, O three-eyeddeity, I have a great doubt. In days of yore, the Self-born One createdthe four orders.