Chapter 249
“Vyasa said, ‘The objects by which one is surrounded are created by theunderstanding. The Soul, without being connected with them, stands aloof,presiding over them.
“Vyasa said, ‘The objects by which one is surrounded are created by theunderstanding. The Soul, without being connected with them, stands aloof,presiding over them.
“Suka said, ‘Let thy reverence tell me of that which is the foremost ofall duties, indeed, of that duty above which no higher one exists in thisworld.’
“Vyasa said, ‘One should not show any affection for scents and tastes andother kinds of enjoyment. Nor should one accept ornaments and otherarticles contributing to the enjoyment of the senses of scent and taste.
“Vyasa said, ‘Unto a disciple that wishes to enquire after Emancipationafter having transcended all pairs of opposites and accomplished theconcerns of both profit and religion, an accomplished preceptor shouldfirst recount all that has been said in the foregoing section, which iselaborate, on the topic of Adhyatma.
“Vyasa said, ‘Those that are conversant with the scriptures behold, withthe aid of acts laid down in the scriptures, the Soul which is clothed ina subtile body and is exceedingly subtile and which is dissociated fromthe gross body in which it resides.
“Vyasa said, ‘There is a wonderful tree, called Desire, in the heart of aman. It is born of the seed called Error. Wrath and pride constitute itslarge trunk.
“Bhishma said, ‘Do thou, O son, O sinless one, listen once more, withfeelings of great pride, to the words that fell from the lips of theIsland-born Rishi on the subject of the enumeration of the entities.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘These lords of earth that lie on the earth’s surfaceamid their respective hosts, these princes endued with great might, arenow reft of animation. Every one of these mighty monarchs was possessedof strength equal to that of ten thousand elephants.
“Sthanu said, ‘Know, O lord, that my solicitations to thee are on behalfof the created beings of the universe. These beings have been created bythee. Do not be angry with them, O grandsire! By the fire born of thyenergy, O illustrious one, all the created beings are being consumed.Beholding them placed in such a plight, I am penetrated with compassion.Do not be angry with them, O lord of the universe.’
“Narada said, ‘The large-eyed lady, controlling her grief by an effort ofher own, addressed the Grandsire, with joined hands and bending in anattribute of humility like a creeper.