Chapter 10
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Thus addressed, O thou of Kuru’s race, by the oldking, the citizens and the inhabitants of the provinces stood sometimelike men deprived of consciousness.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Thus addressed, O thou of Kuru’s race, by the oldking, the citizens and the inhabitants of the provinces stood sometimelike men deprived of consciousness.
“Sauti said, ‘And then Indra, the king of gods, having the best of horsesfor his bearer, thus adored by Kadru, covered the entire firmament withmasses of blue clouds. And he commanded the clouds, saying, Pour ye, yourvivifying and blessed drops!’ And those clouds, luminous with lightning,and incessantly roaring against each other in the welkin, poured abundantwater.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Unto him who was talking thus, the aged Kuru grandsirewith a cheerful heart, said these words adapted to both time and place:’
“Markandeya said, ‘Meanwhile the illustrious descendant of Raghu, alongwith his brother, hospitably treated by Sugriva, continued to dwell onthe breast of the Malyavat hill, beholding every day the clear blue sky.
“Bhishma said, ‘He cannot be said to know Brahma who does not know thefour topics (viz., dreams, dreamless slumber, Brahma as indicated byattributes, and
“Markandeya said, ‘And while the chaste Sita was dwelling there afflictedwith melancholy and grief on account of her lord, attired in mean garb,with but a single jewel (on the marital thread on her wrist), andincessantly weeping, seated on a stone, and waited upon by
Dhritarashtra said, ‘Hearing of those feats of the sons of Pandu whichare incapable of being achieved by the gods themselves, my heart, OSanjaya, is filled with fear and wonder.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘At the time the Parthas entered the city, thousandsupon thousands of the citizens came out to behold the sight.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘After that night had passed away, Dhritarashtra, theson of Amvika, despatched Vidura to Yudhishthira’s mansion.
“Sauti said, ‘And then the Nagas drenched by that shower, becameexceedingly glad. And borne by that bird of fair feathers, they soonarrived at the island. That island had been fixed by the Creator of theUniverse as the abode of the makaras. There they saw the terrible LavanaSamudra (ocean of salt).