Chapter 215
“Bhishma said, ‘Living creatures, by being attached to objects of thesenses which are always fraught with evil, become helpless.
“Bhishma said, ‘Living creatures, by being attached to objects of thesenses which are always fraught with evil, become helpless.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Tell me, O grandfather, what food is clean and whatunclean, what gift is praiseworthy, and who should be considereddeserving and who undeserving (of gifts).’
Sanjaya said, “When that elephant division was exterminated, thy sonDuryodhana urged his entire army, commanding the warriors to slayBhimasena.
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘Santanu duly ruled this Earth. Similarly,Vichitraviryya also, protected by Bhishma, ruled you. Without doubt, allthis is known to you. It is also known to you how Pandu, my brother, wasdear to me as also to you.
“Sauti said, ‘Then that bird of great strength and energy and capable ofgoing at will to every place repaired to his mother’s side on the othershore of the great ocean.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Beholding the grandsire, viz., the venerable Bhishma,that destroyer of all the
“Markandeya said, ‘It was on the breast of that very hill where Rama wasseated with those foremost of monkeys that great monkey chiefs at thecommand of Sugriva, began to flock together.
“Bhishma said, ‘The yogin who wishes to always practise sinlessBrahmacharya and who is impressed with the faults attaching to dreamsshould, with his whole heart, seek to abandon sleep.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘O holy and great ascetic, I desire to hear in detailwhat the duties of kings are and what the duties, in full, of all thefour orders. I desire also to hear,
Sanjaya said, “Then, O king, Bhurisravas, excited with great wrath,pierced Satyaki with nine arrows like the conductor of an elephantpiercing an elephant with the iron hook.