Chapter 7
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘O best of kings, thou shouldst also reflectproperly on war and peace. Each is of two kinds.
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘O best of kings, thou shouldst also reflectproperly on war and peace. Each is of two kinds.
“Sauti said, ‘Having crossed the Ocean, Kadru of swift speed, accompaniedby Vinata, soon alighted near the horse. They then both beheld thatforemost of steeds of great speed, with body white as the rays of themoon but having black hairs (in the tail). And observing many black hairsin the tail, Kadru put Vinata, who was deeply dejected, into slavery. Andthus Vinata having lost the wager, entered into a state of slavery andbecame exceedingly sorry.
OM! HAVING BOWED down unto Narayan, and unto that most exalted of malebeings, viz., Nara, and unto the goddess Saraswati also, must the wordJaya be uttered.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘After doing what acts does a man become liable toperform expiation? And what are those acts which he must do for beingfreed from sin? Tell me this, O grandsire.’
“Markandeya said, ‘And while those troops (thus withdrawn) were reposingthemselves in their quarters, many little Rakshasas and Pisachas owningRavana as their leader, penetrated amongst them.
Dhritarashtra said,–“I regard destiny to be superior to exertion, OSanjaya, inasmuch as the army of my son is continually slaughtered by thearmy of the Pandavas.
“Bhishma said, ‘I shall now tell thee what the means are (for conqueringthe senses) as seen with the eye of the scriptures. A person, O king,will attain to the highest end by the help of such knowledge and byframing his conduct accordingly. Amongst all living creatures man is saidto be the foremost.
“Sauti said, ‘Then hearing of and beholding his own body, that bird ofbeautiful feathers diminished its size.’
“Vyasa said, ‘By penances, religious rites, and gifts, O Bharata, a manmay wash off his sins if he does not commit them again.
“Markandeya said, ‘Having quartered his army in those groves aboundingwith food and water and with fruits and roots, the descendant ofKakutstha began to watch over them with care.