Chapter 285
“Markandeya said, “Then Kumbhakarna set out from the city, accompanied byhis followers. And soon he beheld the victorious monkey troops encampedbefore him.
“Markandeya said, “Then Kumbhakarna set out from the city, accompanied byhis followers. And soon he beheld the victorious monkey troops encampedbefore him.
“Bhishma said, ‘Persons engaged in the practice of acts regard thepractice of acts highly. Similarly, those that are devoted to Knowledgedo not regard anything other than Knowledge.
Sanjaya said,–“When the night passed away, O Bharata, the high-souledBhishma, with wrath engendered, supported by a large force, and stationedat the head of the Bharata army, proceeded against the foe.
“Dhritarashtra said, Thou shouldst always ascertain the Mandalas thatbelong to thee, to thy foes, to neutrals, and to those that are disposedequally towards thee and thy foes, O Bharata.
“Sauti said, ‘The Nagas after consultation arrived at the conclusion thatthey should do their mother’s bidding, for if she failed in obtaining herdesire she might withdraw her affection and burn them all. If, on theother hand, she were graciously inclined, she might free them from hercurse. They said, ‘We will certainly render the horse’s tail black.’ Andit is said that they then went and became hairs in the horse’s tail.
Om! Having bowed down unto Narayana, and unto that most exalted of malebeings, Nara, and unto the goddess Sarasvati also, must the word Jaya beuttered.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘After doing what acts does a man become liable toperform expiation? And what are those acts which he must do for beingfreed from sin? Tell me this, O grandsire.’
“Markandeya said, “Then Prahasta, suddenly advancing up to Vibhishana anduttering a loud yell, struck him with his mace.
“Bhishma said, ‘From the attribute of Passion arises delusion or loss ofjudgment. From the attribute of Darkness, O bull of Bharata’s race, arisewrath and cupidity and fear and pride.
Sanjaya said, “And Drona’s son, and Bhurisravas, and Chitrasena, O sire,and the son of Samyamani also, all fought with Subhadra’s son.