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“Sauti said, ‘O foremost of persons acquainted with Brahma, the mother ofthe snakes had cursed them of old, saying, ‘He that hath the Wind for hischarioteer (viz., Agni) shall burn you all in Janamejaya’s sacrifice!’ Itwas to neutralise that curse that the chief of the snakes married hissister to that high-souled Rishi of excellent vows.

Janamejaya said, “Having heard of Karna’s fall and the slaughter of hissons, what, O foremost of regenerate ones, did the king say, after he hadbeen a little comforted? Indeed, poignant was the grief that heexperienced, arising from the calamity that befell his sons! Tell me, Iask thee, all that the king said on that occasion!”

“Yudhishthira said, ‘In consequence of the fall Abhimanyu of tenderyears, of the sons of Draupadi, of Dhrishtadyumna, of Virata, of kingDrupada, of Vasusena conversant with every duty, of the royalDhrishtaketu, and of diverse other kings hailing from diverse regions, inbattle, grief does not forsake my wretched self that am a slayer ofkinsmen.