Chapter 203
“Manu said, ‘The mind united with the senses, recollects after a longtime the impressions of the objects received in the past.
“Manu said, ‘The mind united with the senses, recollects after a longtime the impressions of the objects received in the past.
Sanjaya said, “Beholding the mighty and terrible array called Kraunchaformed by Pandu’s son of immeasurable energy, thy son, approaching thepreceptor, and Kripa, and Salya,
Vaishampayana said: “Meanwhile Daruka, going to the Kurus and seeingthose mighty car-warriors, the son of Pritha, informed them of how theVrishnis had slain one another with iron bolts.
“Saunaka said, ‘For what reason did that tiger among kings, the royalJanamejaya, determine to take the lives of the snakes by means of asacrifice? O Sauti, tell us in full the true story. Tell us also whyAstika, that best of regenerate ones, that foremost of ascetics, rescuedthe snakes from the blazing fire. Whose son was that monarch whocelebrated the snake-sacrifice? And whose son also was that best ofregenerate ones?’
“Sanjaya said, ‘After the fall of the mighty bowman Drona on that day, OBharata, and after the purpose had been baffled of that mightycar-warriors, viz., the son of Drona, and after the vasty army,
Vaisampayana said, “Hearing the words of the Island-born Rishi and seeingDhananjaya angry, Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti, saluted Vyasa and madethe following answer.
“Markandeya said, ‘Having pondered over these words (of Narada) about hisdaughter’s marriage, the king began to make arrangements about thenuptials.
“Manu said, ‘As in a dream this manifest (body) lies (inactive) and theenlivening spirit in its subtile form, detaching itself from the former,walks forth after the same manner, in the state called deep slumber (ordeath), the subtile form with all the senses becomes inactive and the
Dhritarashtra said, “When mine and the hostile hosts were thus formedinto battle array, how did the foremost of smiters begin to strike?”
Vaishampayana said: “Then Daruka and Keshava and Vabhru left that spot,following in the wake of Rama (for discovering his retreat).