Chapter 3
“Narada said, ‘That tiger of Bhrigu’s race (viz., Rama), was well-pleasedwith the might of Karna’s arms, his affection (for him), hisself-restraint, and the services he did unto his preceptor.
“Narada said, ‘That tiger of Bhrigu’s race (viz., Rama), was well-pleasedwith the might of Karna’s arms, his affection (for him), hisself-restraint, and the services he did unto his preceptor.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Tell me, O grandsire, if gifts, sacrifices,penances, and dutiful services returned to preceptors, are productive ofwisdom and high felicity.'[543]
“Arjuna said,–‘Thou applaudest, O Krishna, the abandonment of actions,and again the application (to them). Tell me definitely which one ofthese two is superior.
“Virata said, ‘If this one, indeed, be the Kuru king Yudhisthira the sonof Kunti, which amongst these is his brother Arjuna, and which, themighty Bhima.
“Karna said,–‘We have never heard of such an act (as this one ofDraupadi), performed by any of the women noted in this world for theirbeauty.
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘It seems that Arjuna slew all of you at his will.Indeed, the Destroyer himself could not escape him in battle, if Arjunatook up arms against Him.
“Narada said, ‘Having thus obtained weapons from him of Bhrigu’s race,Karna began to pass his days in great joy, in the company of Duryodhana,O bull of Bharata’s race!
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Whence has this universe consisting of mobile andimmobile creatures been created? Whom does it go to when destruction setsin?
“The Holy One said,–‘Regardless of fruit of action, he that performs theactions which should be performed, is a renouncer and devotee, and notone who discards the (sacrificial) fire, nor one that abstains fromaction.
“Virata said, ‘Why, O best among the Pandavas, dost thou not wish toaccept as wife this my daughter that I bestow upon thee?’