Chapter 51
“Bhishma said, ‘Drona’s son observeth well, and Kripa, too observethrightly. As for Kama, it is only out of regard for the duties of theKshatriya order that he desireth to fight.
“Bhishma said, ‘Drona’s son observeth well, and Kripa, too observethrightly. As for Kama, it is only out of regard for the duties of theKshatriya order that he desireth to fight.
Duryodhana said,–‘Listen now, O Bharata, about all the most costlyarticles I saw, belonging unto the sons of Pandu, and brought one afteranother by the kings of the earth.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Those Kshatriyas, O monarch, harbouring feelings ofanimosity against one another and longing to take one another’s life,began to slay one another in that battle.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘After Vasudeva had ceased to speak, the great Yogin,viz. the Island-born Krishna, addressed Yudhisthira, saying,–O son, dothou recite this hymn consisting of the thousand and eight names ofMahadeva, and let Maheswara be gratified with thee.
“Bhishma said, ‘They that are possessed of knowledge say that everythinghas penance for its root.
“Dhritarashtra said,–‘Tell me truly (O Sanjaya) of this Varsha that iscalled after Bharata, where this senseless force hath been collected, inrespect of which this my son Duryodhana hath been so very covetous, whichthe sons of Pandu also are desirous of obtaining, and in which my mindtoo sinketh.
“Bhishma said, ‘The wheel of time revolves with its divisions, viz., withKalas and Kasthas and Muhurtas and days and fortnights and months andconstellations and planets and seasons and years.
Duryodhana said,–‘O sinless one, listen to me as I describe that largemass of wealth consisting of various kinds of tribute presented untoYudhishthira by the kings of the earth.
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘Exceedingly difficult of accomplishment was thatfeat, O Sanjaya, which was achieved by Bhima who caused the mighty-armedKarna himself to measure his length on the terrace of his car.
“Vasudeva said, ‘Concentrating his mind, O Yudhishthira. the regenerateRishi Upamanyu, with hands joined together in reverence uttered thisabstract of names (applying to Mahadeva), commencing from the beginning.’