Chapter 129
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Like one that drinks nectar I am never satiated withlistening to thee as thou speakest. As a person possessing a knowledge ofself is never satiated with meditation, even so I am never satiated withhearing thee.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Like one that drinks nectar I am never satiated withlistening to thee as thou speakest. As a person possessing a knowledge ofself is never satiated with meditation, even so I am never satiated withhearing thee.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Seeing Bhima in that battle assailed by the cannibal,Vasudeva, approaching Ghatotkacha, said unto him these words, ‘Behold, Omighty-armed one, Bhima is violently assailed by the Rakshasa in battle,in the very sight of all the troops and of thyself,
“Draupadi said, ‘What grief hath she not who hath Yudhishthira for herhusband? Knowing all my griefs, why dost thou ask me?
“Krishna said,–some time after this, the great ascetic, the exaltedChandakausika, again came into the country of the Magadhas. Filled withjoy at the advent of the Rishi, king Vrihadratha, accompanied by hisministers and priest and wives and son, went out to receive him.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Learning that Nakula had been deprived of his car,afflicted with arrows and mangled with the weapons of Karna’s son, andthat he had his shafts, bow, and sword cut off, these eleven formidableresisters of all foes, the five heroic sons of
“Bhishma said, ‘A person that is born of an irregular union presentsdiverse features of disposition.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘What course of conduct should be adopted by a kingshorn of friends, having many enemies, possessed of an exhaustedtreasury, and destitute of troops, O Bharata!
“Sanjaya said, ‘Having slain Alayudha, the Rakshasa Ghatotkacha becamefilled with delight. Standing at the head of the army he began to utterdiverse kinds of shouts.
“Draupadi said, ‘This O Bharata, that I am going to tell thee is anothergreat grief of mine. Thou shouldst not blame me, for I tell thee thisfrom sadness of heart.
“Draupadi said, ‘Alas, on account of that desperate gambler, I am nowunder Sudeshna’s command, living in the palace in the guise of aSairindhri.