Chapter 119
“Bhishma said, ‘Having cast off the status of a worm and taken birth as aKshatriya of great energy, the person (of whom I am speaking),remembering his previous transformations, O monarch, began to undergosevere austerities.
“Bhishma said, ‘Having cast off the status of a worm and taken birth as aKshatriya of great energy, the person (of whom I am speaking),remembering his previous transformations, O monarch, began to undergosevere austerities.
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘Beholding Duryodhana struck down in battle byBhimasena, what, O Sanjaya, did the Pandavas and the Srinjayas do?’
“Vaisampayana said (After Kunti had said this), Karna heard anaffectionate voice issued out of the solar circle. Coming from a greatdistance, that voice was uttered by Surya himself with paternalaffection.
“Sanjaya said, ‘The illustrious son of Somadatta pierced each of the sonsof Draupadi, those great bowmen, with five arrows, and once more withseven arrows.
“Vrihadaswa said, ‘O Bharata, hearing those words of the swan, Damayantithenceforth lost all peace of mind on account of Nala. And heavingfrequent sighs she was filled with anxiety, and became melancholy andpale-faced and lean.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘When the fire blazed forth in the forest ofKhandava, the infant birds became very much distressed and afflicted.Filled with anxiety, they saw not any means of escape. Their mother, thehelpless Jarita, knowing that they were too young to escape, was filledwith sorrow and wept aloud.
“Vyasa said, ‘It is in consequence of a meritorious act, O worm, thatthou, though born in the intermediate order of being, art not stupefied.
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘Beholding the (Kuru) king struck down unfairly,what O Suta, did the mighty Baladeva, that foremost one of Yadu’s race,say? Tell me, O Sanjaya, what Rohini’s son, well-skilled in encounterswith the mace and well acquainted with all its rules, did on thatoccasion!’
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Coming back to Upaplavya from Hastinapura, thatchastiser of foes, Kesava, represented unto the Pandavas all that hadhappened, and conferring with them for a long space of time, and holdingrepeated consultations, Sauri went to his own quarters for rest.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Having fled away from Bhima, Alamvusha, in another partof the field, careered fearlessly in battle.