Chapter 182
“Bhishma said, ‘I then smilingly addressed Rama stationed for battle,saying,–Myself on my car, I do not wish to fight with thee that art onthe earth!
“Bhishma said, ‘I then smilingly addressed Rama stationed for battle,saying,–Myself on my car, I do not wish to fight with thee that art onthe earth!
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘Unvanquished by Drona, and Radha’s son and Vikarnaand Kritavarman, how could the heroic Satyaki, never before checked inbattle, having after his promise to Yudhishthira crossed the ocean of theKaurava troops, being humiliated by the Kuru warrior Bhurisravas andforcibly thrown on the ground?’
“Vasudeva continued, ‘O king, afflicted with the arrows of Salwa, whenPradyumna became senseless the Vrishnis who had come to the fight wereall disheartened and filled with grief!
“Sanjaya said, ‘Dhananjaya, with his Gandiva, frustrated the purpose ofthose unreturning heroes struggling in battle and striking their foes.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘If a Kshatriya desires to subjugate anotherKshatriya in battle, how should the former act in the matter of thatvictory? Questioned by me, do thou answer it.’
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Thou hast, O grandsire, discoursed to me on the giftof kine that is fraught with great merit. In the case of kings observantof their duties, that gift is most meritorious.
“Bhishma said, ‘After the battle had ceased, my charioteer, well-skilledin such operations, drew out from his own body, from the bodies of mysteeds, and from my body as well, the arrows that struck there.
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘After the Kuru warrior Bhurisravas had been slainunder those circumstances, tell me, O Sanjaya, how proceeded the battle.’
“Vasudeva continued, ‘O bull of the Bharata race, having spoken thus untothe Yadavas, the son of Rukmini (Pradyumna) ascended his golden car.
“Sanjaya said, ‘When the loud noise of battle had somewhat subsided andthe Pandavas had slain large numbers of their foes, Subala’s son (oncemore) came for fight with the remnant of his horsemen numbering sevenhundred.