Chapter 361
“Bhishma said, ‘Having said these words unto his dear spouse, the chiefof the Nagas proceeded to that place where the Brahmana was sitting inexpectation of an interview with him.
“Bhishma said, ‘Having said these words unto his dear spouse, the chiefof the Nagas proceeded to that place where the Brahmana was sitting inexpectation of an interview with him.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘After Kesava had dined and been refreshed, Vidurasaid unto him during the night, ‘O Kesava, this advent of thine hath notbeen a well judged one, for, O Janardana,
“Vasishtha continued, ‘The Brahmana lady, thus addressed by them, said,’Ye children, I have not robbed you of your eye-sight, nor am I angrywith you.
“Narada said, ‘The helpless lady, suppressing her arrow within her ownself, addressed, with joined hands, the Lord of the creation, bendingwith humility like a creeper.
“Lomasa said, ‘Then gathered together, Brahma, the grandfather of men(thus) addressed, ‘Go ye, O gods! whither your pleasure may lead you, oryour desire conduct you.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘After Krishna, the son of Devaki, had said thesewords, Yudhishthira once more asked Bhishma the son of Santanu, saying,’O thou of great intelligence; O foremost of all persons conversant withduties, which, indeed, of the two, direct perception and the scriptures,is to be regarded as authority for arriving at a conclusion?’
“The Brahmana said, ‘Thou goest away for dragging the one-wheeled car ofVivaswat according to thy turn. It behoveth thee to describe to meanything wonderful that thou mayst have noticed in those regions throughwhich thou sojournest!’
“The holy one said, ‘That, indeed, which should be said by a person ofgreat wisdom: that, indeed, which should be said by one possessed ofgreat foresight; that indeed, which should be said by one like thee to afriend like me; that indeed,
“The Gandharva said, ‘Vasishtha after this, continued the narrationsaying, ‘Hearing these words of the Pitris, Aurva, O child, replied untothem to this effect:
“Sanjaya said, ‘Hearing of the origin of Death and her strange acts, kingYudhishthira, humbly addressing Vyasa, once more said these words untohim.’