Chapter 50
“Sanjaya said, ‘While Kunti’s son, Yudhishthira, was indulging in suchlamentations, the great Rishi Krishna Dwaipayana came to him.
“Sanjaya said, ‘While Kunti’s son, Yudhishthira, was indulging in suchlamentations, the great Rishi Krishna Dwaipayana came to him.
“Lomasa said, ‘That same king, of a powerful bow, standing at the head ofthe surrounding, (i.e., the occupant of an imperial throne) of a powerfulcar, (i.e., possessing every great fighting power) became the delight ofthe eyes and the soul of all the world.
“Bhishma said, ‘If one does acts oneself that are good or causes othersto accomplish them, one should then expect to attain to the merits ofrighteousness.
“The Naga said, ‘O thou of sweet smiles, for whom hast thou taken thatBrahmana? Is he really a human being or is he some deity that has comehither in the disguise of a Brahmana?
“The Gandharva continued, ‘Beholding his asylum bereft of his children,the Muni afflicted with great grief left it again. And in course of hiswandering he saw, O Partha, a river swollen with the waters of the rainyseason, sweeping away numberless trees and plants that had grown on itsmargin.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘With Pritha’s leave and having walked round her, thechastiser of foes, Govinda, also called Sauri, went to
“The Gandharva continued, ‘Then, O Partha, Adrisyanti, who had beenresiding in Vasishtha’s asylum, brought forth (when the time came) a sonwho was the perpetuator of Saktri’s race and who was a second Saktri ineverything.
“Sthanu said, ‘O lord, thou hadst taken great care for creating diversecreatures. Indeed, creatures of diverse kinds were created and reared bythee. Those very creatures, again, are now being consumed through thyfire. Seeing this, I am filled with compassion. O illustrious lord, beinclined to grace.’
“Lomasa said, ‘O most righteous of kings! When he heard these words(proceeding) from the sky, he had faith therein, and did all that he wasdirected to do, O chief of the men of Bharata’s race!
“Yudhishthira said, ‘It is seen that if a person happens to beunfortunate, he fails to acquire wealth, how great so ever his strength.