Chapter 54
“Sanjaya said, It is even so, O great king, as thou, O Bharata, sayest.On the event of battle, the destruction of the Kshatriyas by means ofGandiva is certain.
“Sanjaya said, It is even so, O great king, as thou, O Bharata, sayest.On the event of battle, the destruction of the Kshatriyas by means ofGandiva is certain.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘After this, with his sheet loosely hanging down,Adhiratha entered the lists, perspiring and trembling, and supportinghimself on a staff.
“Arjuna continued, ‘Then at places eulogised by the Maharshis, I(proceeded, and at length) beheld the ocean–that inexhaustible lord ofwaters. And like unto flowing cliffs were seen on it heaving billows, nowmeeting together and now rolling away.
“Janamejaya said, ‘After having conferred that boon on Utanka, O foremostof regenerate persons, what did the mighty-armed Govinda of greatcelebrity next do?’
“Bhishma said, The next morning, king Janaka, O Bharata, accompanied byhis minister and the whole household, came to Suka, placing his priest inthe van.
“Duryodhana said, ‘Fear not, O king. Nor shouldest thou grieve for us. Omonarch, O lord, we are quite able to vanquish the foe in battle.
“Vaisampayana continued, ‘Beholding the Pandavas and the son ofDhritarashtra accomplished in arms, Drona thought the time had come whenhe could demand the preceptorial fee.
“Arjuna said, ‘O Bharata, by the grace of that god of gods the SupremeSoul, Tryamvaka, I passed the night at that place. And having passed thenight, when I had finished the morning rituals, I saw that foremost ofthe Brahmanas whom I had seen before.
“Vasudeva said, ‘O thou of Vrishni’s race, I have repeatedly heard menspeaking of the wonderful battle (between the Kurus and the Pandavas).
“Bhishma said, ‘Having heard these words of king Janaka, Suka of cleansedsoul and settled conclusions began to stay in his Soul by his Soul,having of course seen Self by Self.