Chapter 210
“Markandeya continued, ‘O Bharata, the Brahmana, thus interrogated by thevirtuous fowler, resumed again this discourse so pleasing to the mind.
“Markandeya continued, ‘O Bharata, the Brahmana, thus interrogated by thevirtuous fowler, resumed again this discourse so pleasing to the mind.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘It behoveth thee, O sire, to tell me those names bywhich Daksha, that progenitor of creatures, adored the great deity. Osinless one, a reverent curiosity impels me to hear them.’
“Vaisampayana said, ‘The maiden then, hearing those soft and sweet wordsof the smiling monarch, and remembering her promise to the Vasus,addressed the king in reply. Of faultless features, the damsel sending athrill of pleasure into the heart by every word she uttered, said, ‘Oking, I shall become thy wife and obey thy commands.
“Vasudeva said, touching the feet of that sage, the Brahmana asked himsome questions that were exceedingly difficult to answer. That foremostof all righteous persons then discoursed on those duties that werereferred to.
“Krishna said, ‘These worlds are worthy of the chief of the Somaka tribe,and are calculated to promote the interests of Pandu’s son ofimmeasurable strength.
“Salya said, ‘Now then Nahusha, the king of the gods, looked at her andsaid, ‘O thou of sweet smiles, I am the Indra of all the three worlds.
“Markandeya continued, ‘Hear, O king Yudhishthira what the virtuousfowler, thus interrogated by that Brahmana, said to him in reply. Thefowler said, ‘Men’s minds are at first bent on the acquisition ofknowledge.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Tell me, O grandsire, what is Adhyatma with respectto man and whence it arises.’
“Santanu asked, ‘What was the fault of the Vasus and who was Apava,through whose curse the Vasus had to be born among men? What also haththis child of thine, Gangadatta, done for which he shall have to liveamong men? Why also were the Vasus, the lords of the three worlds,condemned to be born amongst men? O daughter of Jahnu, tell me all.’
“–The Brahmana said, ‘The acts, good and bad, that a Jiva does are notsubject to destruction. Upon attainment of body after body, those actsproduce fruits corresponding with them.