Chapter 127
Yudhishthira said, ‘O best of speakers! what was the extent of power andstrength possessed by king Somaka? I am desirous of hearing an exactaccount of his deeds and of his power.”
Yudhishthira said, ‘O best of speakers! what was the extent of power andstrength possessed by king Somaka? I am desirous of hearing an exactaccount of his deeds and of his power.”
“Bhishma said, ‘In this connection is cited the old narrative of thediscourse that took place between Narada and Asita-Devala. Once on a timeNarada, beholding that foremost of intelligent men, viz., Devala ofvenerable years, seated at his ease, questioned him about the origin andthe destruction of all creatures.’
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Alter this Indra again asked Yayati, ‘Thou didstretire into the woods, O king, after accomplishing all thy duties. OYayati, son of Nahusha, I would ask thee to whom thou art equal inascetic austerities.’
“Samvarta said, ‘How hast thou come to know me, and who has referred theeto me, do thou tell this to me truly, if thou wishest me to do what isgood to thee. And if thou speak truly, thou shalt attain all the objectsof thy desire, and shouldst thou tell a lie, thy head shall be riven in ahundred pieces.’
“Baladeva said, ‘You have all listened to the speech of him who is theelder brother of Gada, characterised as it is by a sense of virtue andprudence, and salutary alike to Yudhishthira and king Duryodhana.
“Markandeya continued, ‘He (Uktha) performed a severe penance lasting formany years, with the view of having a pious son equal unto Brahma inreputation.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Cruel and sinful that we are, alas, we have slainbrothers and sires and grandsons and kinsmen and friends and sons. How, Ograndsire, shall we dispel this thirst for wealth. Alas, through thatthirst we have perpetrated many sinful deeds.’
“Yayati said, ‘I am Yayati, the son of Nahusha and the father of Puru.Cast off from the region of the celestials and of Siddhas and Rishis forhaving disregarded every creature, I am falling down, my righteousnesshaving sustained diminution. In years I am older than you; therefore, Ihave not saluted you first. Indeed, the Brahmanas always reverence himwho is older in years or superior in learning or in ascetic merit.’
“Samvarta said, “There is a peak named Munjaban on the summits of theHimalaya mountains, where the adorable Lord of Uma (Mahadeva) isconstantly engaged in austere devotional exercises.
“Satyaki said, ‘Even as a man’s heart is, so doth he speak! Thou artspeaking in strict conformity with the nature of thy heart. There arebrave men, and likewise those that are cowards.