Chapter 121
Dhritarashtra said, ‘Alas, what was the state of (my) warriors, OSanjaya, when they were deprived of the mighty and god-like Bhishma whohad become a Brahmacharin for the sake of his reverend sire?
Dhritarashtra said, ‘Alas, what was the state of (my) warriors, OSanjaya, when they were deprived of the mighty and god-like Bhishma whohad become a Brahmacharin for the sake of his reverend sire?
“Markandeya continued, ‘O lord of men, the beautiful Siva endowed withgreat virtues and an unspotted character was the wife of Angiras (one ofthe seven Rishis).
“Yudhishthira said, ‘By what means doth a man become sinful, by what dothhe achieve virtue, by what doth he attain to Renunciation, and by whatdoth he win Emancipation?’
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Yayati, then, overcome with decrepitude, returned tohis capital and summoning his eldest son Yadu who was also the mostaccomplished, addressed him thus, ‘Dear child, from the curse of Kavyacalled also Usanas, decrepitude and wrinkles and whiteness of hair havecome over me. But I have not been gratified yet with the enjoyment ofyouth.
“Sanjaya said,–‘Stringing then his large bow and reverentially salutingthe grandsire, Arjuna, with eyes filled with tears, said these words, Oforemost one among the Kurus,
“The lady replied, ‘I am a daughter of Prajapati (the lord of allcreatures, Brahma) and my name is Devasena. My sister Daityasena has erethis been ravished by Kesin.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Amongst the diverse kinds of sacrifices, all ofwhich, of course, are regarded to have but one object (viz., thecleansing of the heart or the glory of God), tell me, O grandsire, whatthat sacrifice is which has been ordained for the sake only of virtue andnot for the acquisition of either heaven or wealth!'[1283]
“Vaisampayana said, ‘The excellent monarch Yayati, the son of Nahusha,having received Puru’s youth, became exceedingly gratified. And with ithe once more began to indulge in his favourite pursuits to the fullextent of his desires and to the limit of his powers, according toseasons, so as to derive the greatest pleasure therefrom.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘O righteous one, I am desirous of hearing thehistory of that royal sage Marutta. Do thou, O Dwaipayana, relate thisunto me, O sinless one.’
“Sanjaya said,–‘After the night had passed away, O monarch, all thekings, the Pandavas and the Dhartarashtras, repaired to the grandsire,Those Kshatriyas then saluted that bull of their order, that foremost oneamong the Kurus, that hero lying on a hero’s bed, and stood in hispresence.