Chapter 270
“Kapila said, ‘The Vedas are regarded as authoritative by all. Peoplenever disregard them.
“Kapila said, ‘The Vedas are regarded as authoritative by all. Peoplenever disregard them.
Sanjaya said, “When the combatants of both armies, strong in number, werethus disposed in battle array, all those unretreating heroes, O Bharata,set their heart upon the region of Brahma.
Vaisampayana said, ‘After some length of time, O best of monarchs,Devayani of the fairest complexion went into the same woods for purposesof pleasure. And accompanied by Sarmishtha with her thousand maids shereached the same spot and began to wander freely.
“Markandeya continued, The planets with their satellites, the Rishis andthe Mothers, Agni and numerous other blazing courtiers and many otherdwellers of heaven of terrible mien, waited on Mahasena along with theMothers.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘The Vedas, O Bharata, discourse of Religion. Profit,and Pleasure. Tell me, however, O grandsire, the attainment of which(amongst these three) is regarded as superior.’
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Yayati then, on returning to his capital which waslike unto the city of Indra, entered his inner apartments and establishedthere his bride Devayani.
Sanjaya said, “Thus all the Pandavas, placing Sikhandin before thempierced Bhishma in that battle repeatedly surrounding him on all sides.
“Markandeya continued, ‘When that powerful, high-souled, and mighty beingwas born, various kinds of fearful phenomena occurred. And the nature ofmales and females, of heat and cold, and of such other pairs ofcontraries, was reversed.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Amongst the diverse kinds of sacrifices, all ofwhich, of course, are regarded to have but one object (viz., thecleansing of the heart or the glory of God), tell me, O grandsire, whatthat sacrifice is which has been ordained for the sake only of virtue andnot for the acquisition of either heaven or wealth!'[1283]
“Vaisampayana said, ‘When Devayani of sweet smiles heard of the birth ofthis child, she became jealous, and O Bharata, Sarmishtha became anobject of her unpleasant reflections. And Devayani, repairing to her,addressed her thus, ‘O thou of fair eye-brows, what sin is this thou hastcommitted by yielding to the influence of lust?’