Chapter 111
Sanjaya said, “Arjuna then, O king, beholding the prowess of Bhishma inbattle, addressed Sikhandin saying, ‘Proceed towards the grandsire.
Sanjaya said, “Arjuna then, O king, beholding the prowess of Bhishma inbattle, addressed Sikhandin saying, ‘Proceed towards the grandsire.
Kanwa continued, ‘And Sakra, thus addressed by her, then commanded himwho could approach every place (viz., the god of the wind) to be presentwith Menaka at the time she would be before the Rishi.
Janamejaya said, “While those foremost of men–the sons of Pritha–werepassing their days in the forest exposed to the inclemencies of thewinter, the summer, the wind and the sun, what did they do, O Brahmana,after they had reached the lake and woods going by the name of Dwaita?”
“Jajali said, ‘This course of duty that thou, O holder of scales,preachest, closes the door of heaven against all creatures and puts astop to the very means of their subsistence.
Sanjaya said, “The mighty bowman (Alamvusha) the son of Rishyasringa, inthat battle, resisted Satyaki clad in mail and proceeding towardsBhishma.
“Vaisampayana continued, ‘King Dushmanta, hearing all this, said,’Well-spoken, O princess, this that thou hast said! Be my wife, Obeautiful one! What shall I do for thee?
Vaisampayana said, “Then Kesava, the slayer of Madhu, also calledJanardana, having conversed on various agreeable themes with theillustrious sons of Pandu and with those Brahmanas that were headed byMarkandeya and having bid them farewell, mounted his car and called forSatyabhama.
“Tuladhara said, ‘See with thy own eyes, O Jajali, who, viz., those thatare good or those that are otherwise, have adopted this path of duty thatI have spoken of.
Sanjaya said, “The heroic Drona, that great bowman endued with theprowess of an infuriate elephant, that foremost of men possessed of greatmight,
“Vaisampayana said, ‘After Dushmanta had left the asylum having madethose promises unto Sakuntala, the latter of tapering thighs broughtforth a boy of immeasurable energy. And when the child was three yearsold, he became in splendour like the blazing fire.