Chapter 237
Vaisampayana said, “They then all saw king Dhritarashtra, O Janamejaya,and having seen him, enquired after his welfare, and were, in return,asked about their welfare.
Vaisampayana said, “They then all saw king Dhritarashtra, O Janamejaya,and having seen him, enquired after his welfare, and were, in return,asked about their welfare.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Thou sayest that righteousness or duty depends upondelicate considerations, that is indicated by the conduct of those thatare called good, that it is fraught with restraints (from numerous acts),and that its indications are also contained in the Vedas.
Dhritarashtra said, “How did Sikhandin advance against the son of Gangain battle, and how did Bhishma also advance against the Pandavas? Say allthis unto me, O Sanjaya!”
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Then the king with his followers, having killedthousands of animals, entered another forest with a view to hunting. Andattended by a single follower and fatigued with hunger and thirst, hecame upon a large desert on the frontiers of the forest.
Vaisampayana said, “Having heard these words of Karna, king Duryodhanabecame highly pleased. Soon after, however, the prince became melancholyand addressing the speaker said, ‘What thou tellest me, O Karna, isalways before my mind.
“Bhishma said, ‘In this connection is cited the old narrative of theconversation of Tuladhara with Jajali on the topic of righteousness.
Dhritarashtra said, “How did Sikhandin the prince of the Panchalas,excited with wrath, rushed in battle against the grandsire, viz., Ganga’sson of righteous soul and regulated vows.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘The monarch then, as he proceeded, left even hisreduced retinue at the entrance of the hermitage. And entering quitealone he saw not the Rishi (Kanwa) of rigid vows.
Vaisampayana said, “Hearing those words of Dhritarashtra, Sakuni, whenthe opportunity presented itself, aided by Kama, spoke unto Duryodhanathese words,
“Bhishma said, ‘Thus addressed by the intelligent Tuladhara on thatoccasion, Jajali of great intelligence, that foremost of ascetics, saidthese words unto him.’