Chapter 254
“Vyasa said, ‘There is a wonderful tree, called Desire, in the heart of aman. It is born of the seed called Error. Wrath and pride constitute itslarge trunk.
“Vyasa said, ‘There is a wonderful tree, called Desire, in the heart of aman. It is born of the seed called Error. Wrath and pride constitute itslarge trunk.
Dhritarashtra said, “How did those bulls among men, viz., that greatbowman Drona, and Dhananjaya the son of Pandu, encounter each other inbattle?
“Janamejaya said, ‘O Brahmana, those thou hast named and those thou hastnot named, I wish to hear of them in detail, as also of other kings bythousands. And, O thou of great good fortune, it behoveth thee to tell mein full the object for which those Maharathas, equal unto the celestialsthemselves, were born on earth.’
Vaisampayana said, “Hearing the words of Yudhishthira, those bulls amongmen, headed by Bhimasena, rose up with faces beaming in joy.
“Bhishma said, ‘Do thou, O son, O sinless one, listen once more, withfeelings of great pride, to the words that fell from the lips of theIsland-born Rishi on the subject of the enumeration of the entities.
Sanjaya said, “At mid-day, O king, happened a fierce battle, fraught withgreat carnage, between Bhishma and the Somakas.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Then Indra had a consultation with Narayana aboutthe latter’s descent on the earth from heaven with all the gods accordingto their respective parts. And, having commanded all the dwellers inheaven, Indra returned from the abode of Narayana.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘O child, why dost thou use language such as this,towards the frightened Kurus, who are now in adversity and who have cometo us, solicitous of protection! O Vrikodara, disunions and disputes dotake place amongst those that are connected in blood.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘These lords of earth that lie on the earth’s surfaceamid their respective hosts, these princes endued with great might, arenow reft of animation. Every one of these mighty monarchs was possessedof strength equal to that of ten thousand elephants.
Sanjaya said, “O tiger among men, Arjuna sent those Kshatriyas thatfollowed Susarman to the abode of the King of the Dead by means of hiswhetted shafts.