Chapter 247
“Suka said, ‘O illustrious one, O foremost of Rishis, once againdiscourse to me on Adhyatma more elaborately. Tell me what, indeed, isAdhyatma and whence does it come?'[1041]
“Suka said, ‘O illustrious one, O foremost of Rishis, once againdiscourse to me on Adhyatma more elaborately. Tell me what, indeed, isAdhyatma and whence does it come?'[1041]
Sanjaya said, “After that great battle, king Duryodhana, approachingGanga’s son and saluting him with humility, began to narrate to him allthat had happened about the victory won by Ghatotkacha and his owndefeat.
“Saunaka said, ‘O son of a Suta, I desire to hear the names of all thosesnakes that fell into the fire of this snake-sacrifice!’
Vaisampayana said, “Beholding king Duryodhana, incapable of putting upwith an insult, seated with the resolution of giving up life by forgoingfood, Sakuni, the son of Suvala, said these words to comfort him. Sakunisaid,
“Vyasa said, ‘The mind creates (within itself) numerous ideas (of objectsor existent things). The Understanding settles which is which.
Sanjaya said, “Hearing that his son Iravat had been slain, Dhananjaya wasfilled with great grief and sighed like a snake.
“Sauti said, ‘Listen now to another very wonderful incident in connectionwith Astika. When king Janamejaya was about to gratify Astika by grantingthe boon, the snake (Takshaka), thrown off Indra’s hands, remained in midair without actually falling. King Janamejaya thereupon became curious,for Takshaka, afflicted with fear, did not at once fall into the firealthough libations were poured in proper form into the blazingsacrificial Agni in his name.’
“Kama continued, ‘O king, this conduct of thine to-day appeareth to bechildish. O hero, O slayer of foes, what is to be wondered at in thisthat the Pandavas liberated thee when thou wert vanquished by the foe?
“Vyasa said, ‘The objects by which one is surrounded are created by theunderstanding. The Soul, without being connected with them, stands aloof,presiding over them.
Sanjaya said, “Then king Duryodhana, and Sakuni the son of Suvala, andthy son Dussasana, and the invincible Suta’s son (Karna) meetingtogether, consulted in the following way.