Chapter 252
Vaisampayana continued, “Then, O bull among the Bharatas, that mightybowman, Karna, surrounded by a large army, besieged the beautiful city ofDrupada.
Vaisampayana continued, “Then, O bull among the Bharatas, that mightybowman, Karna, surrounded by a large army, besieged the beautiful city ofDrupada.
“Suka said, ‘While living in the due observance of the duties of theforemost of life, how should one, who seeks to attain to That which isthe highest object of knowledge, set one’s soul on Yoga according to thebest of one’s power?’
Sanjaya said, “Having in that battle made all those warriors (of thyarmy) turn their faces from the field, the Rakshasa then, O chief of theBharatas, rushed at Duryodhana, desirous of slaying him.
“Narada said, ‘The king has not been burnt to death by an unsanctifiedfire. I have heard this there.
“Astika said, ‘Soma and Varuna and Prajapati performed sacrifices of oldin Prayaga. But thy sacrifice, O foremost one of Bharata’s race, O son ofParikshit, is not inferior to any of those. Let those dear unto us beblessed! Sakra performed a hundred sacrifices.
Janamejaya said, “When the high-souled sons of Pritha were living in theforest, what did those foremost of men and mighty archers–the sons ofDhritarashtra–do?
“Vyasa said, ‘The Jiva-soul is endued with all those entities that aremodifications of Prakriti. These do not know the Soul but the Soul knowsthem all.
Sanjaya said, “Beholding his own troops slain, king Duryodhana thenexcited with wrath, rushed towards Bhimasena, that chastiser of foes.
Janamejaya said, ‘Though this one is but a boy, he speaks yet like a wiseold man. He is not a boy but one wise and old. I think, I desire tobestow on him a boon. Therefore, ye Brahmanas, give me the necessarypermission.’
“The Danavas said, ‘O Suyodhana, O great king? O perpetuator of the raceof Bharata, thou art ever surrounded by heroes and illustrious men. Whyhast thou, then, undertaken to do such a rash act as the vow ofstarvation?